Sponsor a Scholar

The Salas Foundation encourages everyone to sponsor a scholar for four years or for the rest of the scholar’s study program. We pick a student for you or you can pick from our list of student applicants. Your responsibility is to provide your scholar the needed tuition fees. We assure you that all students we provide or list here are from low-income Filipino families, as documented by their eligibility status [see scholarship].

Tuition fees in State schools/universities in the Philippines are not at all pricey. Funding needed for one student to finish a year of study is about $600 (that’s $300 per semester). For the scholar to earn a Bachelor’s degree:

* 4 year Bachelor’s degree: $600 * 4 = $2400

That amount is already inclusive of the tuition and other school fees! Note: Since tuition fees in State universities are now free, the amount will be spent for student housing and allowance.

As a sponsor, we will give you contact information of your scholar and update you annually on his/her academic progress.

Your financial help is valuable for our cause. Imagine this, for as little as $600, you can send a less privileged student to college for one full year.

Contact us here if you are interested. First semester classes in the Philippines start in June, and November is the start of the second semester.