Dear Mr. Eric Ariel Salas and Family,
First of all I would like to greet you a pleasant good day! I hope you are in good condition and in good health. I am Jeyza Marie Albarracin Campaner, your scholar. I am 19 years old, the eldest daughter of Mr. Victor and Alma Campaner. I am now in my second year of Bachelor of Elementary Education at the Cebu Technological University, Argao Cebu Campus (CTU-Argao).
As your scholar, I’m very thankful and blessed for this opportunity that you’ve given me. Through this, I will able to achieve my dreams in life, which is to finish my studies, to become a professional teacher and most of all to have a better future for my family. I do encounter problems and challenges like having low grades in some subjects. But when I think of my parents and your scholarship, I am always encouraged and inspired to do my best and to make things better. I am so thankful that I have met a person and a family with a golden heart like you. I hope you will continue to help other people to achieve their dreams in life through getting college education. Once again, thank you very much and may our Almighty God bless you and your family always. Take care.
Respectfully yours,
Jeyza Marie A. Campaner