Dear Mr. Eric Ariel Salas,
As always, there is one person that deserves my warmest gratitude and that is you.
Growing up in a broken family was not easy on my part. Heartaches, lack of love from a father and unbearable pains were experienced. I thought I cannot pursue my studies in college due to the fact that my family cannot afford to send me to school. My mother was the only one earning a living for my brother and I, while we were under the care of my grandmother.
But if there is a will, there is a way. I enrolled in CSCST-AIFC Argao Campus and luckily I was chosen as an Alumni Scholar of your Salas Foundation. My family was very happy for that blessing. My friends and classmates were even jealous because I had you as an ANGEL, always so supportive and kind.
My constant thoughts that time: “graduating in my chosen degree would be less of a prick now that I no longer think of where to get my tuition fees from first year to fourth year. All I have to do is to maintain the required grade. This scholarship is a great help for me and my family.”
March 14, 2004 was one of the most memorable days of my life — my college graduation. It was also a family reunion. My mother and brother came home and together we celebrated my big day. Not long after my graduation, I was hired as a public teacher. I am now almost 5 years in my profession. This would not be possible without the kindness and generosity of you, Mr. Eric Ariel Salas, and your family. I now have a job to look forward to every day. Also, this is the right time for me to start building my own dream.
Sir, you are so much a part of all that I am today. You are God’s good instrument. I thank Him for all the kindness and generosity you have shared with me. May God bless you in everything all through the coming years.
Michelle C. Albatana Entoma